
PowerFM Interview: DGMT is going to court to stop the Northern Cape Provincial Government from extending liquor trading hours

DGMT is going to court to stop the Northern Cape Provincial Government from extending liquor trading hours in a region with the highest prevalence of foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) in the world. Heavy and binge drinking in the Northern Cape have reached alarming levels. To date, one in five children is affected by FASD. DGMT has filed papers in the Northern Cape High Court in Kimberley arguing that the decision to extend liquor trading hours beyond what is reasonable for public health and safety does not pass constitutional muster. The extended trading hours were made possible by the recent passing of the Northern Cape Gambling and Liquor Act of 2024. Zimasa Mpemnyama, Project Lead for DGMT’s Alcohol Harms Reduction Campaign, speaks to PowerFM. Listen below.

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