DGMT strategically invests in a variety of projects and partner organisations that address one or more of the 10 opportunities we’ve identified to escape the inequality trap.

The DGMT Innovation Team gather around the boardroom table at our office in Claremont.
Flagship projects
Civil society projects
These projects are by no means a comprehensive list of the work of civil society. This list represents a small selection of organisations that will be updated from time to time.
Empowering young people to escape poverty
A collective action organisation that drives community development through mobilising systems and support for young people. Amandla Development aims to reach as many youths in Philippi as possible, supporting them as they navigate poverty and violence in their community. With mentors, tutors and counselling, young people have a better chance at harnessing their education to reach their full potential.
Encouraging positive change in communities in the Eastern Cape
A community grant-maker that reaches small community-based organisations and change drivers that are often overlooked by large donors and government departments. They also work to build relationships with local government, businesses and other organisations to develop long-term solutions to some of the most challenging circumstances in communities – including poverty, access to health care, education and unemployment.
Philani is a home-based care service driven by community health workers to reduce stunting and alcohol-related harms in low-resource communities in Cape Town. In many of these communities, pregnant women face health risks associated with alcohol abuse and poor nutrition, resulting in fetal alcohol syndrome and children with low birth weight. These women are supported by Philani through mentoring programmes to ensure pregnancies are safe and children grow up healthy.
For the community, by the community
This is a voluntary association that advocates for spatial equality and improved municipal services for the community of Observatory. The association aims to bridge the gap between their community, the municipality and other governmental organisations. It also supports development that is people-centred, environmentally sustainable, responsive to their local built environment and socially inclusive.
A cleaner, greener South Africa
An organisation that works to promote zero waste and sustainable living, empowering South Africans to create more sustainable lifestyles and reduce their waste output. They organise programmes, events and campaigns to educate the public about waste reduction and sustainability and work to build a network of people who are dedicated to sustainable living.
Building child-friendly communities
In the villages of Tsholomnqa in East London, ECD practitioners are supported through practical training and mentoring to improve the quality of early learning in rural communities. Practitioners are better prepared for partial care registration so that the government knows about their centres, which is a pre-requisite to receiving state subsidies. The institute also promotes advocacy and awareness around the need for quality ECD and the importance of the first 1000 days of a child’s life.
Strengthening ECD networks
The foundation aims to transform the ECD sector by establishing and coordinating a cohesive ECD network in an area where support and resources are lacking. The foundation builds relationships between organisations through networking – it assists them with registration, access to information and funding, as well as the provision of teacher training and ECD infrastructure to create safe environments for children.
Power of the parent-child relationship
With a strong focus on the importance of the parent-child relationship, the Mikhulu Trust helps children reach their milestones with the support of their parents and families. The Mikhulu Trust also conducts research to support interventions, runs programmes and projects to support ECD centres and parents, and facilitates book-sharing networks.
Healing through play
Through their home visiting programmes, Dlalanathi aims to improve maternal well-being and children’s early development outcomes. Using play therapy to provide psychosocial support for communities in Pietermaritzburg, Dlalanathi has fostered healing for countless families. With their unique approach, they provide support not only for children but for the adults that care for them too, equipping them with the tools to better support children through their healing process.
Inspiring creative minds to thrive
An organisation focused on empowering young talent from under-served communities to become creative change-makers. The organisation provides young people with the tools, socio-emotional and entrepreneurial skills needed to thrive in creative industries. BFM works with both local and international partners to bring music education to communities.
Holistically growing a community
Located in rural Mbhashe, Bulungula Incubator aims to sustainably end poverty in a generation while enhancing community life and providing education to the community from early childhood to matric. They have improved access to healthcare and health education and created employment opportunities for the community through incubated projects.
Partnerships connecting people to opportunity
The Catholic Institute of Education’s project aims to close the gap between training programmes and economic opportunity. Through partnerships with the formal and informal sectors, the CIE focuses on optimising economic activity in an effort to reverse unemployment through place-based learning and fostering an environment for new economic participants to thrive.
Helping young people cope with adversity
The School of Hard Knocks provides psychosocial support and life skills counselling for young people in low-resource communities that have been exposed to violence and trauma. The organisation uses a combination of counselling and rugby coaching to help young people work through adversity. Ultimately, the intervention aims to reduce the likelihood that they would participate in risky or harmful behaviour.
Place-based synergies
To demonstrate the synergising power of our 10 opportunities to escape the inequality trap, we must bring them together in a geographic location over a long-term investment approach.
Flagship projects by opportunity
DGMT has identified 10 opportunities to escape the inequality trap. Use the menu to view projects by the opportunity they address.