
Learning Brief – Wraparound support for young people

South Africa’s youth bulge is significant and in an election year, we are reminded that young people have the power to shape South Africa’s future. Yet a third of young people are not in education, employment or training (NEET) due to the multiple and complex barriers that young people face in accessing and seizing opportunities. Effective support requires a coordinated response from local service providers who share an understanding of the realities of young people and a commitment to supporting their development. Wraparound support places young people at the centre and is intended to respond to individuals with a range of needs in a specific community. By design, this type and level, of support is different to one-dimensional interventions. This learning brief looks at the pioneering work conducted by Bumb’INGOMSO (BI) and its partners delivering multi-faceted HIV-prevention and youth development initiatives in the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality (BCMM) in the Eastern Cape.

To read this learning brief, download a PDF here or read it magazine-style on ISSUU here.






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