Reflecting on models of support for children in places of safety: Give a Child a Family
In 2011, the DGMT began to reflect more deeply on models of support for children in places of safety. We were particularly interested in models that have a strong focus on reintegrating children back into communities, as well as, on the provision of long-term post-placement support. Through a grant made to Give a Child a […]
Mentor Mothers Eastern Cape: Philani’s Maternal, Child Health and Nutrition Rural Initiative
Philani has developed a home based maternal, child health and nutrition model in an effort to work with the South African government in reaching the Millennium Development goals (4 & 5). Their model has been shown to be effective in an urban setting and in this Learning Brief they share the results and lessons that […]
Wild Coast Rural Schools Development Project: Changing Young Teachers’ Minds about Teaching in Rural Areas
The Wild Coast Rural Schools Development Project addresses the challenge of training and educating teachers who are willing to teach in rural contexts or to work in partnership with under-resourced schools. The majority of newly trained teachers choose to teach in urban areas which exacerbate shortages of qualified teachers in rural schools. The Wild Coast […]
Rural Education Access programme: Creating Higher Education Opportunities for Determined Rural Students
The Rural Education Access Programme (REAP) targets young people from very disadvantaged rural communities who have struggled against the odds to achieve a National Senior Certificate. REAP offers an opportunity for tertiary education to a selection of these students who qualify for university entrance due to their hard work and persistence despite difficult circumstances. In […]
Activate! South Africa’s new leaders and public innovators
In January 2012, a new national network of young public innovators was established under the name ‘Activate! Leadership and Public Innovation’. This year 220 young adult leaders drawn from communities across South Africa have joined a three year programme to build their skills in public innovation. At this point, the 2012 Activators have completed Module […]
Narrowing the literacy gap: Making a case for the importance of early language and literacy development in South Africa
This learning brief summarises some of the most important findings of ‘Narrowing the Literacy Gap’, a recently published report coauthored by Dr Shelley O’Carroll and Rebecca Hickman. The report investigated opportunities to strengthen the literacy and language development of children between birth and six years old. In this learning brief Dr. O’Carroll explains that literacy […]
How can we accelerate reading development? Insights from India
Recently, a group from DGMT (Marianne MacRobert, Phillip Methula and David Harrison) visited literacy projects in India. They were intrigued by the claims of Pratham that children of about 5 to 6 years of age could learn to read within 6 weeks and that children lagging behind could catch up to their same-age peers. These […]