In 2011, the DGMT began to reflect more deeply on models of support for children in places of safety. We were particularly interested in models that have a strong focus on reintegrating children back into communities, as well as, on the provision of long-term post-placement support. Through a grant made to Give a Child a Family (GCF) in Margate, KwaZulu-Natal, we began testing an integrated model of Foster Care Placement and Support, aimed at demonstrating an alternative to long-term institutional placement for children. This learning brief is joint attempt by GCF and the DGMT to reflect on the GCF model, and to consider what the key elements of a successful model might be. Read more…
INX Interview – MTBPS: Can double-discounting of essential foods help solve South Africa’s protein insecurity problem?
CEO at the DG Murray Trust, Dr. David Harrison spoke to INX Prime ahead of the MTBPS 2024 about South Africa’s protein insecurity. Can we