
Reports exploring progress, planning and budgeting to address gender-based violence in South Africa

“Violence against women is pervasive in South Africa where, as in many other countries, cultural values and norms serve to condone and reinforce abusive practices against women”[1].  A number of reports have been released by Government this year and provides important information and feedback with regards to progress made (in terms of implementing the Beijing declaration and platform for action), planning and budgeting to address gender-based violence in South Africa.  You can download these reports at the links provided below.

South Africa’s Beijing +20 Report: progress made on the implementation of the Beijing declaration and platform for action and the outcomes document of the 23rd special session of the general assembly in 2000

“South Africa participated in the 4th World Conference of Women in 1995, and signed the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in the same year. South Africa committed to undertake a comprehensive national-level review of the progress made and challenges encountered in implementing the Platform for Action for the achievement of gender equality and empowerment of women. It is envisaged that this national-level review will contribute in understanding and engagement of how gender equality and the empowerment of women can be strengthened in a Post-2015 Development Agenda”.

SAPS and planning for gender-based violence – An update

By Lorenzo Wakefield commissioned by the Parliament of South Africa

“Twenty questions relating to the policing of gender-based violence crimes were sent to the SAPS, in preparation for the Select Committee on Women, Children and People with Disabilities meeting on 14 August 2013. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the responses received from SAPS, taking into account the backdrop of the public hearings held in 2009 together with the recommendations of the 57th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women”.

Financial year estimates for spending on gender-based violence by the South African Government

By Jen Thorpe commissioned by the Parliament of South Africa

“It is not always clear how much the South African Government is spending on the implementation of the Domestic Violence Act or the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Act 32 of 2007 (The Sexual Offences Act). This is partly because spending on the implementation of these laws becomes invisible in the Estimates of National Expenditure, and within Departments’ own budget votes.

Without an adequate idea of the costs of providing the services, a sufficient budget is not likely to be provided. In addition, without reported disaggregated statistics on the scale and incidence of domestic and sexual violence against women in South Africa, it will be impossible to ensure that budgets are directed to the right places. This paper aims to explore some of the hidden costs associated with providing services for victims of violence”.

The Cost of Justice in South Africa – Tracking Expenditure on Gender Based Violence in the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development.

By Joy Watson commissioned by the Parliament of South Africa

“This paper tracks expenditure on gender-based violence in the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development in the 2013/14 period. It constitutes part of a project of the Research Unit at Parliament to analyse Government spending on gender-based violence in terms of its justice, police, social development and health-related costs. It draws on responses received by the Department to research questions sent to it by the Select Committee on Women, Children and Persons with Disabilities. It is further informed by a site visit by researchers to the Mitchell’s Plain Court and the Thuthuzela Care Centre”.

[1]Kim, J. & Motsei, M. 2002. “Women enjoy punishment”: attitudes and experiences of gender-based violence among PHC nurses in rural South Africa. Social Science and Medicine, 54(8): 1243–1254

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