The Learning Lunch podcast explores ideas, approaches and social innovations – creating opportunity for non-profit organisations’ teams to discover what others are learning and space to reflect on what these insights might mean for their own strategy and programme implementation.
In South Africa, over 3 million young people are not in employment, education, or training (NEET), and without matric qualifications or basic post-secondary skills, many find themselves locked out of the job market. This exclusion not only limits their earning potential but also increases their vulnerability to financial struggles and social challenges.
As our economy becomes increasingly digitised, there’s a growing need for workers with relevant skills in technology, social services, and trades — the type of skills that employers are looking for in new hires. Demand-led skilling is an approach to skills development in which training and education programmes are designed based on the current demand by employers, industries and the economy. But how do we ensure that our youth are equipped to meet these demands?
In this Best Bites podcast, we talk to DGMT Innovation Director Bridget Hannah about the role of government, industry and civil society in connecting young people to work opportunities while aligning skills training with what employers need.
Bridget Hannah is an Innovation is Director at DGMT. Bridget’s portfolio, All Young People on Pathways to Productivity, is all about supporting young people in our country to fully participate in society and the economy. In an unequal country like South Africa, there are many socio-economic reasons why young people drop out of school, struggle to find work and battle to build economic livelihoods for themselves. Bridget’s portfolio is focused on really understanding young people’s challenges and driving targeted interventions to support them to keep their grip on opportunities and build productive lives.