
Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPP)

South Africa’s renewable energy sector took off in 2011 when the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement (REIPPP) programme invited Independent Power Producers (IPPs) to submit competitive bids to build and operate large-scale renewable energy power plants. In addition to its core business, REIPPP aims to drive positive social change and requires approved energy projects to share ownership with local communities. This is commonly structured by establishing a community trust, which receives the share dividends and invests them in community development projects. However, these trusts do not necessarily have all the skills and knowledge to use financing most effectively. Use of an independent, third-party organisation, with a track record of social development impact and experience, can add considerable value by tapping into their programmatic expertise and economies of scale.

This learning brief shares important lessons learnt by the Lesedi Solar Park Trust, Letsatsi Solar Park Trust and Peace Humansrus Trust (PHT).

Download the Renewable Energy learning brief here or page through it in ISSUU below – choose full-screen mode [   ] for a better reading experience.  You can download the full Hands-on Learning publication (Issue 15) here.



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