Hands-on Learning Issue 24
Through the newly rebranded edition of our Hands-on Learning publication developed in June 2023, we hope to play a helpful role in synthesising information from innovators and implementers in civil society, supporting them to share what they have learnt so that others are able to draw from and build on their experiences. Escaping The Inequality […]
Learning Brief – Escaping The Inequality Trap: The Case For Supporting Pregnant Women
South Africa is stuck in an inequality trap with too few people able to build the knowledge and skills needed to fully participate in society and the economy. Our human capital pipeline is throttled at source, as high rates of low birth weight, stunting and inadequate access to early learning opportunities mean many children enter […]
Learning Brief – Social Fathers: How Men Can Play A Greater Role In Caregiving And How This Impacts Our Children’s Future
The presence and support of nurturing and responsive caregivers helps children to reach their full potential. Although women have traditionally been seen as caregivers, adult men have an important role to play in the development of children as fathers, grandfathers, brothers, uncles, caregivers and Early Childhood Development (ECD) practitioners. This brief explores how ECD practitioners […]
Learning Brief – Power, Access And Agency: Understanding Barriers To Parental Involvement
Parents are the first educators of their children. Their ability to know and love their children has unparalleled benefits. Research shows that encouragement and support from parents/caregivers, not necessarily assistance with specific homework, improves learner achievement even for children attending schools where education is not of the highest quality. Although parents have untapped power – […]