Developing potential: How technology can help to scale-up provisioning of early childhood development in South Africa

This learning brief reviews some of the possibilities inherent in technology and the potential that this has to improve service delivery. Space4Development shares some of their insights gained through the design and implementation of technology solutions for ECD Non-Profit Organisations. Read the article here.
Technology is fueling change, but human relationships are at the heart of progress

At last month’s EdTechTeam South Africa Summit, it sometimes felt like I was witnessing magic. In a dazzling two-day whirlwind, we explored augmented reality, flipped classrooms, automagical differentiation, gamification, digital storytelling and more apps than I could count. The summit, which featured presenters from Google for Education, was all about what’s possible – and opportunities for […]
Reflections on Social Justice and the Role of Youth

On Saturday, 23 July 2011, the 9th Annual Nelson Mandela Lecture was held at the Linder Auditorium in Johannesburg. This year’s speaker was Prof. Ismail Serageldin – the Director of the Library of Alexandria in Egypt. In the wake of the ‘Arab Spring’ uprisings, hearing from an Egyptian national proved particularly interesting. His speech was […]