Hands-on Learning Issue 13

“We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom” reads a quote by E.O. Wilson, who wrote the book, ‘Consilience: The unity of knowledge’. Through the newly revived and rebranded edition of our Hands-on Learning publication, we hope to play a helpful role in synthesising information from innovators and implementers in civil society, supporting them […]
How not to trip up on the digital highway: Lessons from social innovators developing e-platforms

Almost every household in South Africa has access to a mobile phone[1]. This has transformed the face of social development, with many non-governmental organisations (NGOs) embracing mobile technology to connect with their target audiences. In this learning brief, we explore the diverse opportunities – but also challenges – that come with using mobile platforms […]
The role of grant-making foundations in South Africa

The D G Murray Trust, and a number of DGMT funded projects, had the priviledge to be involved in the Towards Carnegie 3 conference held in Cape Town last month. The conference entitled ‘Strategies to Overcome Poverty and Inequality’ was styled as the Third Carnegie Conference (following on from that organised in 1932 and 1984), and aimed […]
Babajob: A mobile information hub for work seekers in India

During a recent study visit to India, we were privileged to visit a dynamic organisation called Babajob, based in Bangalore. It connects about 1 000 blue-collar work seekers to employers who advertise on Babajob every working day, through mobile phones, a website and a call centre. Over the past three years, 900 000 jobs have been advertised […]
Career Planet: Connecting youth to opportunity using mobile technology

Youth unemployment has become one of the most pressing socio-economic problems in South Africa today. Given that unemployment is associated with social problems such as poverty, crime, violence, a loss of morale, social degradation and political disengagement, -connecting youth with opportunities for job creation and enhanced employability/self-employability not only makes economic sense; it is vital […]