New growth from old roots: Lessons in identity from the Klein Karoo

“I’m planting a tree to teach me to gather strength from my deepest roots.” ― Andrea Koehle Jones, The Wish Trees Sometimes the most helpful lessons are learned in unexpected and unplanned ways. This article tells the story of how Net-vir-Pret, a small NGO working with children and youth in the Klein Karoo town of […]
Activate! – Creating change by bridging divides

“There are white people on the trains, and maybe you want to talk to them, to be friendly. But what do you say to them?” Simamkele said. “You’re asking yourself, what are they interested in, what do we have to talk about? “Sports? What sports do they like, do they like soccer or do they […]
Shaping conversations – a reflection on the Global Citizenship Education Guiding Framework Meeting, June 2014

The Peculiar Dance of Education for Social Change in Different Spaces… Injairu Kulundu, Western Cape Team Leader of Activate! – a network of young leaders equipped to drive change for the public good across South Africa – reflects on her participation at the recent UNESCO Global Citizenship Education consultations, which began to consider how best […]
Youth leadership development in South Africa – are we stuck? A funder’s perspective

If we understand the social challenges of our time to be complex, with multiple causes, symptoms and manifestations, then critical to how we respond and how we direct change must be our ability to deal with that complexity –something that requires collective, rather than singular leadership. In this learning brief, Janet Jobson asks what this […]
ACTIVATE! – Evaluating Youth Leadership for Policy Impact

Often one of the most difficult aspects of launching a new project is figuring out how to measure its impact effectively. The Activate! Leadership for Public Innovation programme has an opportunity to do ground-breaking work in measuring the impact of its leadership development intervention and the policy implications that it might hold. It is a […]