Create Change: Step Up for Young People
South Africa has a resource with the potential to transform our economic and social reality. Unfortunately, we are missing this opportunity: It should go without saying that investment in children and young people is the source of future human capital. They should be at the forefront of strategies for economic growth and development in SA. […]
Aluta continua! Towards a generation of new young leaders that we believe in!
By Senzo Hlophe. To read this article in isiZulu click here. It is unfair to do a blanket comparison of young people of the 1976 generation with those of 2016. The 1976 generation are generally seen as superhumanly inspirational, having achieved the impossible. Unfortunately, this type of comparison usually leaves us feeling disempowered, underperforming […]
Driving change: NERDAfrica’s advice for young people wanting to start social change initiatives
To grow economically, reduce inequality, and foster social solidarity so that we thrive as a nation, South Africa needs young leaders that will inspire innovation in both the public and private sectors. Tumelo Motaung is precisely such a young leader. Having participated in a variety of youth leadership initiatives, including Activate!, Tumelo started the […]
New growth from old roots: Lessons in identity from the Klein Karoo
“I’m planting a tree to teach me to gather strength from my deepest roots.” ― Andrea Koehle Jones, The Wish Trees Sometimes the most helpful lessons are learned in unexpected and unplanned ways. This article tells the story of how Net-vir-Pret, a small NGO working with children and youth in the Klein Karoo town of […]
What promise does youth policy hold for transforming the situation of South Africa’s youth?
In October 2014, under the auspices of the United Nation’s Special Envoy for Youth, the First Global Forum on Youth Policies was hosted in Baku, Azerbaijan.[1] The aim of the conference was to bring together young activists and experts, development professionals, and government representatives to gauge progress made on the World Programme of Action for Youth […]
“Nothing for young people without young people”
Recently, South Africans were invited to comment on the draft South African National Youth Policy 2014-2019, as published in Government Gazette Notice 15 of 2015. The nation, young people in particular, was requested “to give their opinion, suggestions and to rewrite sections of the draft policy or even the entire draft policy whether individually or as […]
Scholarships for NGO leaders
TSiBA Education, in association with Deutsche Bank, is offering an innovative nine-month long modular programme for leaders of non-profit companies, who are exploring sustainability outside of donor funding. The programme takes a fresh look at the critical issues of income generation and non-donor reliance and focuses in particular on up-skilling and supporting leaders as they help […]
Ideas from South Africa’s youth for addressing key social challenges … where to now?
Recently, the DG Murray Trust (DGMT) put out a call for ideas from young South Africans for addressing the country’s key social challenges. In part, this tactic was influenced by our belief that if we are to develop South Africa’s youth as leaders for public innovation – a process of continuing improvement of programmes, policies, […]
Activate! – Creating change by bridging divides
“There are white people on the trains, and maybe you want to talk to them, to be friendly. But what do you say to them?” Simamkele said. “You’re asking yourself, what are they interested in, what do we have to talk about? “Sports? What sports do they like, do they like soccer or do they […]
Shaping conversations – a reflection on the Global Citizenship Education Guiding Framework Meeting, June 2014
The Peculiar Dance of Education for Social Change in Different Spaces… Injairu Kulundu, Western Cape Team Leader of Activate! – a network of young leaders equipped to drive change for the public good across South Africa – reflects on her participation at the recent UNESCO Global Citizenship Education consultations, which began to consider how best […]