
How can we strengthen Primary Health Care for children with Cerebral Palsy in rural areas?

Worldwide, the assessment and diagnosis of children with Cerebral Palsy is a complex and contested area, as it relies on access to specialised medical and rehabilitation personnel.  In South Africa, these resources are in short supply and usually not available in resource-constrained public health settings. In this learning brief, the Disability Action Research Team (DART) […]

Big Sky and Cerebral Palsy in Nqutu

By Malamulele Onward and Tracy Smythe Malamulele Onward is a non-governmental organisation which provides specialised therapy  (physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy) services, equipment and caregiver training  to poorly -resourced rural areas of South Africa and other African countries where children severely disabled by cerebral palsy have little or no access to rehabilitation therapy and equipment. […]