
The Zero Dropout Campaign

The Zero Dropout Campaign aims to halve the rate of school dropout by 2030. Specifically, the initiative aims to increase national awareness of the problem of school dropout and spur action towards addressing it; identify and demonstrate what it takes to help children make it through school; and mobilise a network of schools that are committed to achieving the goal of zero dropout.

Basic Package of Support for young people that are not in education, employment or training

The aim of the programme is to provide young people (aged 15 to 24) who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) with support to increase their life chances, by proactively offering them a well-targeted, holistic package that:
helps them understand available pathways (back) into education, training and work;
empowers them through referrals to existing support services that connect them to employment, education and training opportunities; and
keeps them connected to an opportunity over time through re-engagement when necessary.


Bumb’INGOMSO – isiXhosa for ‘mould the future’ – is a multi-faceted HIV-prevention project that combines behavioural, biomedical, social and economic interventions to inspire, support and motivate girls and young women to reduce high-risk behaviour and make healthy life choices. Its design reflects international evidence that multi-faceted prevention measures, sustained at sufficient scale and intensity, can significantly reduce the incidence of HIV[