JobStarter is an online platform supporting young people to stay motivated as they transition to the world of work and study. The platform is unique because it provides information and guidance to young people with respect to self-discovery, educational and work opportunities; has modular online courses on job preparation; enables young people to build an online profile which could be downloaded as their CV; and seeks to equip and support young people to access further learning or earning opportunities.
Youth Capital
Youth Capital, launched in 2018, is a campaign that strives to transform the employment trajectory of a generation of young South Africans. Achieving this long-term goal will rely on the insights and actions of young people, as well as the buy-in of policy-makers, the private sector and civil society to create a conducive environment for young people to thrive. Youth Capital does this by building a body of knowledge that supports a national focus on key priorities for young people, and by engaging networks of young people through building partnerships with youth development organisations.