Recently, South Africans were invited to comment on the draft South African National Youth Policy 2014-2019, as published in Government Gazette Notice 15 of 2015. The nation, young people in particular, was requested “to give their opinion, suggestions and to rewrite sections of the draft policy or even the entire draft policy whether individually or as organized groups” (Government Gazette No 15 of 2015). The DG Murray Trust (DGMT) actively encouraged its partners to make their voices heard and to consider whether the draft policy indeed reflects the approach that young people want to take. We asked them to consider whether the policy should be about a fresher look and innovative interventions of youth development. We asked them to consider what these would look like in the context of South Africa.
DGMT then co-ordinated a process of compiling some of the views and perspectives that emerged during our engagement with our partners, and we submitted these comments (and recommendations) to government. A copy of this document may be found here.
Also worth having a look at, is Janet Jobson’s post entitled What promise does youth policy hold for transforming the situation of South Africa’s youth? Have a look at the article here.