Channel Africa Interview: Harmful drinking in South Africa
Kashifa Ancer, Campaign Manager of DGMT’s Alcohol Harms Reduction campaign, speaks to Channel Africa about harmful drinking in South Africa. Listen below.
PowerFM Interview: DGMT is going to court to stop the Northern Cape Provincial Government from extending liquor trading hours
DGMT is going to court to stop the Northern Cape Provincial Government from extending liquor trading hours in a region with the highest prevalence of foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) in the world. Heavy and binge drinking in the Northern Cape have reached alarming levels. To date, one in five children is affected by FASD. […]
Op-ed: Minimum unit pricing will reduce harm from heavy drinking
National Treasury has just proposed changes to the taxation of alcohol which will reduce its societal harm with minimal damage to the liquor industry. These changes include a sliding scale of excise taxes for wines and beer based on their alcohol content and the introduction of minimum unit pricing (MUP). This policy instrument would require […]
Ukhozi FM Interview: Is setting a Minimum Unit Price for alcohol the answer to tackling excessive drinking?
National Treasury has just published a policy review considering minimum unit pricing (MUP) on alcohol—a key intervention we’ve advocated for at DGMT. MUP could set a price floor on alcoholic drinks, making it harder for cheap, high-alcohol products to fuel problem drinking, especially among vulnerable groups. This public comment period is a rare opportunity to […]
Activists welcome Treasury’s proposed minimum alcohol price
National Treasury has released a policy review proposing changes to alcohol tax and considering the implementation of minimum unit pricing to curb harmful drinking. The public has until 13 December to comment. The move has been welcomed by alcohol policy activists who have been advocating for stricter controls on liquor sales, but members of the […]
SAFM Interview: Is Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) on alcohol the solution to reduce harmful drinking?
National Treasury has just published a policy review considering minimum unit pricing (MUP) on alcohol—a key intervention we’ve advocated for at DGMT. MUP could set a price floor on alcoholic drinks, making it harder for cheap, high-alcohol products to fuel problem drinking, especially among vulnerable groups. This public comment period is a rare opportunity to […]
Newzroom Afrika Interview: Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) on alcohol
National Treasury has just published a policy review considering minimum unit pricing (MUP) on alcohol—a key intervention we’ve advocated for at DGMT. MUP could set a price floor on alcoholic drinks, making it harder for cheap, high-alcohol products to fuel problem drinking, especially among vulnerable groups. This public comment period is a rare opportunity to […]
ENCA Interview: National Treasury policy review: Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) on alcohol
National Treasury has just published a policy review considering minimum unit pricing (MUP) on alcohol—a key intervention we’ve advocated for at DGMT. MUP could set a price floor on alcoholic drinks, making it harder for cheap, high-alcohol products to fuel problem drinking, especially among vulnerable groups. This public comment period is a rare opportunity to […]
INX Interview: MTBPS – Can double-discounting of essential foods help solve South Africa’s protein insecurity problem?
CEO at the DG Murray Trust, Dr. David Harrison spoke to INX Prime ahead of the MTBPS 2024 about South Africa’s protein insecurity. Can we make nutritious food accessible to all? Watch the full interview below.
SmileFM Interview: MTBPS – Can double-discounting of essential foods help solve South Africa’s protein insecurity problem?
Chief Executive Officer at the DG Murray Trust, Dr. David Harrison talks to SmileFM about South Africa’s protein insecurity and a double-discounting proposal for essential foods.