INX Prime Interview: Zero-rating of mobile content of PBOs

DG Murray Trust CEO David Harrison explains the link between the internet and the knowledge economy and how implementing the zero-rating of education content of public benefit organisations can benefit South Africa.
Smile FM Interview: Zero-rating of PBO content on mobile networks

You can probably count on one hand the ways in which the poor half of South African people could be immediately included in new opportunities for socio-economic development. Bridging the digital divide is one of them. DGMT CEO David Harrison joins Smile FM to talk about the zero-rating of mobile educational content of public benefit […]
Cape Talk interview: A serious proposal to overcome child hunger

David Harrison, DGMT CEO, speaks to John Maytham from Cape Talk to discuss an advocacy campaign that is being run by several NGOs to persuade the big food retail chains in South Africa to reduce their prices on 10 key foods by one-fifth. Listen to the interview below.
A serious proposal to overcome child hunger… but will we choose it?

As you read this article millions of children in South Africa will be hungry. The hunger they experience, and ironically the cheap food they eat to stave it off, is causing malnutrition and undernutrition that will damage their physical and mental health, as well as their opportunities… for all of their lives. Please don’t turn […]