
Health and economic impact of a minimum unit price on alcohol

From a health perspective, a minimum unit price (MUP) on alcohol is expected to reduce the morbidity and mortality impact of alcohol. The higher the MUP is set, the greater will be the health benefits from such a policy. For example, if the MUP is set at R8.00 per unit, modelling exercises indicate that, over […]

Research and drafting of minimum unit price (MUP) implementation guidelines for Western Cape government: proactively reflecting on counter-arguments to the MUP

In 2020, DGMT commissioned the UCT Research Unit on the Economics of Excisable Products (REEP) department to conduct a study that would support the implementation of a MUP policy in South Africa. The study titled ‘Research and Drafting of Minimum Unit Price Implementation Guidelines for Western Cape Government Report’ was divided into two distinct but […]